Enable or Disable MP BGP Capability for IPv6 Prefix Exchange over IPv4 Peer

You can enable or disable multi protocol BGP on tenant BGP peer group by adding IPv6 prefix over the IPv4 peer for all the BGP peer groups.

About this task

Follow this procedure to enable or disable IPv6 prefix over IPv4 peer.


  • The IPv6 Prefix over IPv4 Peer feature for all the BGP peer groups is disabled by default on SLX.
  • Ensure the following configuration changes to enable the IPv4 BGP peers associated with the BGP peer groups to carry the IPv6 prefixes:
    • Enable the IPv6 Prefix Over IPv4 Peer feature.
    • Activate the BGP peer group under the IPv6 address-family of the default-vrf.
  • Upgrading XCO to the version 3.3.1 and later does not impact existing peer groups and peers. The configuration stays intact.
  • The IPv4 BGP sessions mapped to the peer group with IPv6 address family enabled will be cleared when the IPv6-Prefix over IPv4-Peer is enabled or disabled.


Run the following command to enable or disable IPv6 prefix over IPv4 peer for all the BGP peer groups in the device inventory:
efa inventory device setting update [flags]

      --ip string                                      Specifies a comma-separated range of device IP addresses. For example:,,
      --fabric string                                  Specify the name of the fabric
      --maint-mode-enable-on-reboot string             Enter Yes to configure maintenance mode enable on reboot and No to de-configure
      --maint-mode-enable string                       Enter Yes to configure maintenance mode enable and No to de-configure
      --maint-mode-convergence-time string             Maximum time in seconds that maintenance mode is allowed to complete operations, valid values 100-500 and 0 to de-configure
      --mct-bring-up-delay string                      Delay, in seconds, waited before MCT cluster bring-up, valid values 10-600 and 0 to de-configure
      --health-check-enable string                     Enter Yes to enable health check and No to disable health check
      --health-check-interval string                   Health check interval in seconds/minutes, valid values for Fabric device 6m-24h, valid values for NPB device 30s-24h Example. 30s or 99m or 1h20m or 20m, default 6m for Fabric device, 30s for NPB device
      --health-check-heartbeat-miss-threshold string   Health check's heartbeat miss threshold value, valid value range in between 2-5, default 2
      --config-backup-periodic-enable string           Enter Yes to enable periodic config backup and No to disable periodic config backup
      --config-backup-interval string                  Config Backup interval in minutes, valid values 3m-30h Example. 99m or 1h20m or 20m , default 24h
      --number-of-config-backups string                Config Backup Count, valid values 2-20, default 4
      --prefix-independent-convergence string          Enter Yes to enable BGP PIC and No to de-configure
      --prefix-independent-convergence-static string   Enter Yes to enable Static PIC and No to de-configure
      --maximum-load-sharing-paths string              Config route load-sharing maximum paths, valid values 8,16,32,64, default 64 paths
      --maximum-ipv6-prefix-length-64 string           Enter Yes to configure the maximum route prefix length of 64. This configuration is applicable for Extreme 8520, 8720 and 8820 hardware
      --maximum-ipv6-prefix-length-64-urpf string      Enter Yes to configure the maximum route prefix length of 64 along with unicast reverse path forwarding. This configuration is applicable for Extreme 8520, 8720 and 8820 hardware
      --peer-group-ipv6-prefix-over-ipv4-peer string   Enter Yes to enable the peer group ipv6prefix over ipv4peer. Enter No to disable. This configuration is supported from the firmware version 20.5.2a. IPv4 BGP sessions mapped to peer group with IPv6 address family enabled will be cleared.
The following is an example of enabling or disabling IPv6 prefix over IPv4 peer for all the BGP peer groups in the system:
efa inventory device setting update --ip 10.20.x.x --peer-group-ipv6-prefix-over-ipv4-peer yes
|  IP ADDRESS  |                 NAME                  | STATUS  | VALUE | ERROR |
| 10.20.x.x    | peer-group-ipv6-prefix-over-ipv4-peer | Success | Yes   |       |

efa inventory device setting show –-ip 10.20.x.x
|              NAME              | VALUE |  APP STATE  |
| Maintenance Mode Enable On     | No    |             |
| Reboot                         |       |             |
| Maintenance Mode Enable        | No    |             |
| Maintenance Convergence Time   |       |             |
| MCT Bring-up Delay             |       |             |
| Health Check Enabled           | No    |             |
| Health Check Interval          | 6m    |             |
| Health Check Heartbeat Miss    | 2     |             |
| Threshold                      |       |             |
| Periodic Backup Enabled        | Yes   |             |
| Config Backup Interval         | 24h   |             |
| Config Backup Count            | 4     |             |
| Prefix Independent Convergence | No    | cfg-in-sync |
| Static Prefix Independent      | No    |             |
| Convergence                    |       |             |
| Maximum Load Sharing Paths     |       |             |
| Maximum Ipv6 Prefix Length 64  |       |             |
| Urpf                           |       |             |
| Ip Option Disable              | No    | cfg-in-sync |
| Ip Option Disable Cpu          | No    |             |
| Ipv6 Option Disable            | No    | cfg-in-sync |
| Peer Group Ipv6 Prefix Over    | Yes   | cfg-in-sync |
| Ipv4 Peer                      |       |             |
Rack1-Device1# sh run router bgp
router bgp
 local-as 4200000000
 capability as4-enable
 peer-group ipv6prefix-over-ipv4peer
 neighbor 10.20.y.y remote-as 4200000000
 neighbor 10.20.y.y next-hop-self
 address-family ipv4 unicast
  network 172.xx.254.119/32
  network 172.xx.254.215/32
  maximum-paths 8
 address-family ipv6 unicast
 address-family l2vpn evpn